Thursday, July 23, 2020

2nd Annual Denver Boutique Week! Denver, CO., July 31 - August 7, 2020!

2nd Annual Mile High Denver Boutique Week is coming!  July 31 - August 7, 2020.
Shop.  Eat.  Repeat!  8 days!


COVID – 19
Remember to wear a mask at each brick and mortar.  Follow social distancing!

Enjoy the vast array of exceptional curated inventory each Artisan brings to their business with their own unique individual personality.

Shop.  Eat. Repeat.  
8 days!


Take time to plan your boutique week adventure!  Pay attention to all the shoppe's, restaurants, and makers hours and days of the week of operation per location.  Each one is different.

8 days!  Friday, July 31st  through the following Friday, August 7th.  

Next; plan for traffic during the weekdays, and look for parking either at a meter, lot, or take the light rail. Remember, you may shop ALL businesses on-line, and/or on-line curb side pick up!

BEGIN:  Pick up a Boutique Week T-Shirt at Vintage Handbags Denver! Then, collect a postcard from all five brick and mortars, and shop all on-line businesses for your chance to win a $25 - $50 gift card from each location!  Enjoy specials and promotions from each business.   While downtown, enjoy the magnificent views at Yarn Shoppe Denver.  Shop hand dyed specialty yarns, sign up for a #travelconcierge weekend stay-cation!  


Finally, enjoy all that each unique Boutique Week business has to offer; vintage handbags, custom jewelry, fashion accessories, awesome food, fantastic drinks, breakfast desserts and coffee, classic salon treatments, local hand dyed yarns, hand Knitted accessories,  afternoon tea, weekend get-away stay-cations, and much more!

  Spend an afternoon shopping locally at each of the Black owned businesses in Denver!  Pick up local hand dyed specialty yarns at Yarn Shoppe Denver and grab a Genuine Vintage Handbag for the evening!  Treat yourself to a clay spa treatment, sign up for a computer class, and enjoy a savory dinner all during Denver Boutique Week!  We want to see your smiling faces in our happy Shoppe places!


Your 8 day adventure begins now!

PHONE:  720.473.2598

See you there!


Monday, July 13, 2020

2nd Annual Denver Boutique Week - Support Black owned businesses!

2nd Annual Denver Boutique Week!

July 31, 2020 - August 7, 2020


The Process - How it works

This is an 8 day adventure of shopping, and eating!  Take time to plan your boutique week adventure. Pay attention to all the Shops, restaurants, makers, designers and artisans hours and days of the week of operation, as each brick and mortar business has different hours.  On-line businesses are available 24/7.  The Event starts on a Friday, July 31st  and ends the following Friday, August 7th.  Drive, walk, or Light Rail to as many of the Black owned businesses for each of the 8 days.  Win FREE prizes, and drawings for Free Gift Cards!  View details here.

1615 California St #403
Denver, CO 80202